Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Lonely Road....

Sometimes the grace walk seems to be a lonely journey. There's 2 kind of responses that I get. Disinterested people or the casual Christian thinks that I am 'super religious/spiritual', so they stay away from me. On the other hand religious Christians think that I am a heretic and avoid me like the plague.

I am neither"super" religious/spiritual nor a heretic. I am one who has found out that I cannot live the Christian life and so I have given up trying, acting and faking. The only person capable of living the Christian life is none other than Christ Himself. So I have given up all attempts to become like Him or to act like Him. I have discovered that because He is the only person who is able to live this life, He has come inside of me to live this life out, through me. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me, through me and as me.

I have discovered that He loves me beyond my wildest imagination or comprehension, regardless of my actions, whether good or bad. I have found out that He has forgiven all my sins by His one sacrifice 2000 years ago, and I mean all my sins - past, present and future sins. He has injected His righteousness inside me in exchange for my sin that was laid on Him. So I have given up trying to become righteous when I found that I am already made righteous, holy and acceptable to Him. So where is the room for any boasting on my part?

My only desire is that my fellow brethren and friends know that these truths apply to them as well. There is no need to struggle anymore. Just quit working to earn His blessings and simply enter into His rest and enjoy everything He has already freely provided by His finished work.

Updated: I have identified another group of people who say, "You are not an ordained minister, why should we listen to what you have to say? We will get our information from the pulpit on Sunday and that is enough for us".

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