Monday, January 4, 2010

Fortune Cookies

I was introduced to fortune cookies when I migrated to the United States. For those not familiar with a fortune cookie, it is a crisp hollow cookie with a fortune paper wrapped inside of it. These cookies are served mainly at Chinese restaurants as a dessert. The fortune paper has words of prophecies, lucky numbers, and such items that promise luck and fortune to you. Most people are excited to see what the future holds for them in those cookies.

Today, I was reminded of a tradition, which, I grew up practicing in church and is still being done today. Every New Years day, after the church service, people are handed out little bookmarks with prophetic scripture verses called "promise cards", mainly from the Old Testament and some from the New. Everyone is excited to find out, what specific promise God has for them for the new year. The excitement and curiosity is very similar to that of opening a fortune cookie. Someone called me today and asked if I had received the promise card. She proceeded on to mention that while her husband received a great promise, she received a "not so great" promise.

Not too long ago, while the revelation of the grace of God hadn't dawned on me yet, I was very much excited and even involved in the making and distribution of these cards. I have sat through the long hours of night to handcraft these cards along with the other youths from the church. After all we were making a great sacrifice in working for the Lord.

So, when this person mentioned about these cards with great excitement in her voice, I found myself not too enthusiastic about it. I just told her, that all the promises of God in His word are for me. Later, I was reminded of the verse which says, "All the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus" (2 Cor 1:20). I am not looking for a special promise in a way that resembles a fortune cookie. I am in Christ and Christ is in me. By His grace (not by my works) He has blessed me with everything needed for life and godliness already. He has given me exceeding great and precious promises whereby I have been made a partaker of His very divine nature (2 Peter 1:2-4). He has blessed me with every blessing in Christ Jesus(Eph 1:3). What else could I ask for other than the greatest promise and gift of the very life of Jesus inside of me. I am an heir and joint-heir with Christ. He became a curse so that all the blessings might come upon me. He fulfilled every condition so that I might be blessed by His obedience to the law. Thank you Jesus!

Thank God for his promises are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus!

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